HOME | G + G

W H O :  A C O U P L E

W H E R E :  W A T E R W A Y V I E W

T Y P E :  B T O  5 - R O O M

Designed with a joyful living experience in mind, this cozy home features an explosion of colors, hues, and textures that permeates every nook and cranny, reflecting the couple and their vibrant personalities.

The entryway houses an extended shoe cabinet in steel blue, with a slanted handle featuring in an eggshell white hue. Moving further in, the walls are painted sage in various shapes, bringing a playful backdrop to a pair of colored, pouf sofas.

Not too far away, but clearly in a distinctly separate area, lays the kitchen suite. There is a wildly attractive juxtaposition between the candy-pink cabinetry and the geometric terrazzo flooring. Furthermore, the kitchen island stands centered in this area of the home, bringing contrast to the colors with its light tone, and yet, paired perfectly with the honey yellow high dining table, curves and all.

In the master bedroom, the light splashes of tea-rose hues can be seen in a select corner of the room. One is then inexplicably drawn to the multi-toned knobs on the wardrobe, which adds textural interest.

Diving further into the bathrooms, one is greeted by a vibrant color palette. It is visible in the square tiles and further highlighted by the grout lines, which colors are chosen to complement. A minimal monolith was chosen for the common bathroom, giving it an undeniable, and yet soft presence that blends perfectly with the rest of the bathroom.


HOME | S + J


HOME | M + A